Welome to our website! We are Ireland's foremost supplier of quality wood pellet stoves.
We offer unrivalled technical back-up and expertise in this sector, including servicing and spare parts.
Thank you for visiting our website! We hope that we can help you to choose a new stove or boiler for your home and we'd be happy to assist you in any way that we can.
We offer a huge choice of wood pellet stoves and boilers in an effort to give you great options in terms of efficiency, style and cost. Our comprehensive and lengthy background in the wood pellet industry and extensive training by all our supplier companies makes WoodPelletStoves.ie the firm No. 1 choice when looking for a wood pellet stove or boiler. Our aftersales and technical service is what really sets us apart; if you ever have a problem, we'll be right here to help you. We're proud to say that each and every one of the thousands of wood pellet stoves and boilers that we've sold right across the country, are still working perfectly to this day.
Our wood pellet stoves
WoodPelletStoves.ie are delighted to supply a wide assortment of wood pellet stoves, boilers and cookers from a carefully selected range of top manufacturers. Our stoves vary from the highest quality models on the market, with automatic cleaning, natural convection, automatic combustion control and airtight stoves to budget options which offer exceptional value for money. Ask us about commissioning too, we commission all our stoves after they are installed, ensuring that they're set up efficiently and safely.
Use our Orange Symbols to help identify the stove type you are looking for. Navigate through the models for more information and technical specifications. For pricing and installation, please contact one of our Authorised Dealers or contact us. Please contact us at any time through various mediums here>>> or by emailing [email protected]. Choose from the categories below to help you choose your dream stove.
"Renewable Heating, Impeccable Service"
Our tagline is what we're about. We provide clean, green, renewable energy heating appliances that burn carbon-neutral fuel which is not subjec to carbon tax or price volatility. Our level of service to our customer is what sets us apart from our rivals and we're very proud of our record thus far. We hope to hear from you soon and would love the opportunity to help you select and install your dream stove.
*** IMPORTANT: All stoves & boilers MUST be commissioned for safety & to activate product warranty. ***
Contact us on 083 123 6445 or [email protected] to schedule your FREE COMMISSIONING today.
Air Stoves

A stove which supplies all of its heat to the room in which it is placed. The distribution of the heat may be assisted through a small fan in some models.
Boiler Stoves

A stove with an integrated boiler; suitable for central heating, domestic hot water and room heat. It is suitable for radiators and/or underfloor heating.
Ductable Stoves

A stove, without a boiler, with one or more "ducts" at the rear of the stove to easily distribute some or all heat to adjacent rooms through a simple duct.
Slimline Stoves

A stove designed to save space. Some of our slimline stoves are as little as 200mm (8 inches) deep, meaning they are not intrusive into any room in which they are placed.
Insert Stoves

A stove which can be fitted flush into a wall, and are available in air, ductable and boiler models. Insert stoves are very neat and have a "TV screen" appearance.
A stunning creation for your kitchen, complete with oven and large hotplate. Our pellet cookers have integrated boilers for heating your domestic hot water and radiators too.

A wood pellet boiler is the perfect choice for all your central heating requirements. A quality wood pellet boiler can easily heat radiators, underfloor heating, domestic hot water and is a perfect replacement for oil, gas, coal, turf or even a heat pump.